WTC Hubs

We deliver our programmes throughout the UK in learning and worshipping communities at various Hub locations.

2023 BRIS Hub_001

The Bristol Hub meets on Monday evenings between 6.30pm and 9.30pm.

“To be an effective Kingdom leader you need to have an understanding of the Bible, how it holds together and how to interpret it well. WTC gives an excellent range of programmes to equip leaders to do this, alongside a strong emphasis on the person and work of the Holy Spirit.”
Tim Dobson Bristol
Tim Dobson
Associate Pastor, Woodlands Church, Bristol

Our Bristol Hub was born out of partnership with Woodlands Church. We mutually share a vision to be continually reproducing the life of Jesus in the people around us. Our Bristol Hub has become a vibrant, multicultural place which reflects city life and welcomes anyone who wants to go deeper in their faith, ask a lot of questions, and is not afraid of the messiness that often comes navigating life as a Christian in the 21st century.

Woodlands is situated in central Bristol, not far from the University, and is close to both good train and bus routes as well as some excellent road networks. Want to find out more about what it is like to journey with us? We’d love to hear from you. Please do get in touch.

The programmes on offer at our Bristol Hub:

Hub Director:

Laura Harris

Laura BRIS HD_01

Laura Harris

I embarked on theological study with WTC in 2020, as I wanted to deepen my relationship with Jesus, and have a greater confidence in understanding and interpreting the Bible. That time proved invaluable not just in my own personal journey of Spiritual formation, but also in helping me to be equipped in my journey as a leader of Church ministry.

I am thrilled to now be running the Bristol Hub and enabling a space where rigorous academic study is combined with the transforming life and power of the Holy Spirit. We are a vibrant community of welcome, worship, and wonder as we study God’s word.

If you’re interested in finding out more I would be more than happy to chat further.


Woodlands Church

Woodland Road

(What3words location: scan.trip.scenes)

There is limited free parking on Woodland Road, apart from on weekdays between 9am and 5pm, when it’s Pay & Display. However, on weekends and evenings (after 6pm) access to the car park of the Bristol Homeopathic Hospital is available for use. The entrance is off Tyndall’s Park Road and the car park is to the left. Steps lead down from the car park directly onto Woodland Road. The nearest other public car park is just up Whiteladies Road in Clifton Down Shopping Centre, about a three minute walk away.

There are also regular buses, with the nearest stops being outside BBC Broadcasting House on Whiteladies Road.

The church is on a signed cycle route from the city centre to the Durdham Downs, and there are bike racks provided by the main entrance.


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